View Open Positions

**Having a hiring policy in place from day 0 has proven to be the best way of providing all information about us to help you make an informed decision before joining our team.

Working at EventHQ is not for everyone just like pineapples on pizza. Most don’t like it but some do. We are looking for those outliers.

The philosophy behind EventHQ's jobs board is all about being open and honest. Our policy is to be completely transparent with all applicants throughout the entire hiring process and the compensation. We provide the salary range for each position as follows and any applicant who is selected for the role will be placed within the respective bracket for that position. Everyone who applies for a position with our company will be given the same consideration. Our goal is to design a hiring procedure that is open and accessible to all qualified applicants.

Everyone will tell you the pro’s. Let us share your our cons first,

The pro’s

Interview Structure

Engineering - Frontend Roles

Engineering - Backend Roles